Getting Started with Matlab

The Matlab libraries contain everything required to open a serial port, send and receive messages on that serial port, and parse the results. First, create a MessageInterface, which opens a serial port and is responsible for the transmission and reception of messages, by typing

com = MessageInterface(’COM_PORT’,115200);

Replace the ’COM PORT’ string with the port string for your serial device (FTDI or similar). In Windows, this string has the form ’COM1’, ’COM2’, etc. In a Unix based OS, this string has the form ’/dev/ttyUSB0’ or similar and depends on the device. The default serial baud rate for the motor controller is 115200. To communicate to the motor controller, create a client object using

client_object = ClientClass(’com’,com);

Then, send and receive messages using this object via the get, set, and save member functions.

value = client_object.get(’short_name’);

sends a get request to the motor controller and waits for its response. The responded value is returned.

client_object.set(’short_name’, value); % with value client_object.set(’short_name’); % without value

sends a set message. If the message requires a value, the value is stored in the motor controller’s RAM.’short_name’);

sends a save message, which store’s the current RAM value into non-volatile memory. These functions are blocking and perform all necessary tasks for messaging.

All clients have added member functions list, get all, set all, set verify, and save all.


displays all possible short names, their data types, and their units.

data_all = client_object.get_all()

performs a get on all messages in list and stores it in data all.


data.short_name1 = 0;

data.short_name2 = 1;


will send set messages for all fieldnames in data.

client_object.set_verify(’short_name’, value);

performs the same function as set, but also performs a get to verify transmission. It will retry up to 10 times if transmission fails.


saves all values currently in the motor controller’s RAM into non-volatile memory. For a complete example of usage, please see the documentation for the client classes.