Getting Started with Arduino

The Arduino libraries allow simple get/set/save access to all parameters on the modules, which includes the various control methods to make the modules spin. Please see the official Arduino library installation guide at Using the Library Manager is preferred. Search for “IQ Module Communication”. A .zip of the library can also be found at

To use the IQ Module Communication library, you must include the library header file (done automatically by Arduino if you use their Sketch →Include Library →IQ Module Communication), by typing

#include <iq_module_communicaiton.hpp>

Next make an IqSerial object. You have two options. Use the default constructor to use the default Serial (also called Serial0) on Arduino by typing

IqSerial ser;

or select the Serial peripheral of your choice by passing in the Serial object by typing

IqSerial ser(Serial2);

Next, create a client object to communicate with the motor. Here we’ll talk with the Brushless Drive Client by typing

BrushlessDriveClient mot(0);

0 indicates the Module ID. See the System Control Client documentation for more details.

Now we can setup the Arduino and communication. Initialize the IqSerial object by calling begin. The default begin function will set the baud rate to 115200. If you have changed the motor module’s baud rate, pass in the non-default baud rate into the begin function.

void setup() {
   // Initialize the IqSerial object
   // Initialize Serial (for displaying information on the terminal)

Finally, use the client to talk to the motor. Here we’ll repeatedly send it a low level spin command.

void loop() {
   static float velocity = 0.0f;
   // Send a voltage command of 0.1 volts
   // Get the velocity. If a response was received...
      // Display the reported velocity

The get, set, and save functions take in a client object.sub object as the first parameter.

  • In get, the second parameter is a reference to a value. The get function will put the response from the motor in this value variable. The get function returns a bool, which indicate if it received a response from the motor.

  • The set function takes in the value to be sent as the second parameter. This value must be the datatype expected by the client object.sub object.

  • The save function requires just the client object.sub object.

For a complete list of client object.sub object and their datatypes, please see the documentation for the client classes.